March 5th, 1991
*Cooking / Baking
Hi, world!
I do a lot of photo-realistic artwork, most of it being in pencil. I like putting a lot of contrast in my art, and using rougher paper for the sketchy look. There was a time though, when I used to grab the nearest paper and pencil I could find and draw with that, and often, the pencil would be my school led-pen, and the paper, some extra A4 paper that was lying around. One of my best pieces of art, Jack Sparrow, and Shane were drawn in such manner. Recently though, I've found out how awesome art pencils are, and those are what I use.
I've done a few pictures in color using color pencils and pastels, but I wouldn't say I'm especially good at it. I could see myself being a lot better with color, but I'm lazy, and having to pull out all the color pencils just to draw a piece of art is a bit much for me. I would also LOVE to have the imagination and creativity for fantacy art, but apparently, I'm quite pathetic when it comes to using my own imagination for art as opposed to just copying a picture. Tried and proven. Of course, I could try harder, but for now, I'm stuck with copy art.
Being inspired about what I'm drawing is VERY important to me. If I lose the inspiration for a piece of art half way through, it will take a miracle for me to finish it. Even if I'm getting paid, I have a very difficult time finishing something that I lose inspiration for.