This is my artwork, both recent and old stuff. I know it's pitiful compared to the post below, but heck, this is the best I've got now, so grin and bear, and be nice. Heh!
I generally don't use color in my artwork. This is mainly because I suck at it. But I'm hoping that would change in the near future. I wanna learn how to use pastel and color pencils. :)
Oh, and I think you'll notice that most of the pictures I draw aren't finished. That's simply because I don't finishe 'em. I'm too darn lazy! It's not something I can help at the moment. But it's not a good thing, and I'm working on it.
There are more, but those are less finished then the ones here, so I'm not uploading them. Hoped you liked at least a few of my art!
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2 Responses
  1. etwry Says:

    Very Very detailed artwork :P I really like the castle, and the detail of the portraits are really precise. Good Work :P I wait to see more :P

  2. Eyeliner Says:

    Thanks, Carlton! I appreciate it.