Everybody, congratulate me! I actually started a drawing and finished it! I so deserve 10 brownie points for this accomplishment.
Well, since I was too lazy to scan the picture, I took a photo of it, so you can't see all the marvlous details, but oh heck. I'm just so happy I finished it. Oh, and can you see the pic that's popping out from underneath "Mr. Depp"? That's a drawing that I'm presently working on right now, and just for those who don't recognize those abs, that's Brad Pitt! Yay! I'm drawing it as a birthday present for a good friend of mine. Hope she likes it.
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4 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    I'd love to get that Johnny Depp drawing... As a gift, from you to me... Eiko I miss chatting with you, return to me!!! Uuauaaaaaauaua *crying*

  2. Eyeliner Says:

    Sheesh, man, I miss ya too! But the "return to me" part got me laughing. It just sounds funny, is all.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    I love making you laugh, the sound and thought of you laughing brings happiness to me aswell ^^ I miss you...

  4. Anonymous Says:

    ohhhh...thats sooo good!! I love "Mr.Depp" !! He's sooo cool!!
    Teeheehee...I have too many loves...like you already know...(I see some hot guy and I'm tied to him...so I'm tied to too many and I'm getting pulled from all sides...HELP!