Eiko says...

Nozomi is getting SO GOOD at shading! The proportions are all right, and the concept of the picture she draws always have such a soft and sweet feeling to them. Bravo!!

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4 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    Great work! I love it!

    Btw... I tried using your Skype you sent me, but I couldn't connect.. :(

  2. Nozomi .M Says:

    Thank U!
    Yes, I think I gave you our old skype user name. But since we changed it, now our skype user name is 'Smeagol and Deagol' (without the apostrophe.) :)

  3. Anonymous Says:

    non-chan you're so good!!! i really like this one.--aika

  4. Sam Says:

    This is really cute Nozo. Love it!